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Putting picture books in the hands of children.

I remember as a little girl getting a new picture book in the mail each month from the book club into which my wonderful mother had enrolled me.  I absolutely loved it!


I also remember opening books as I grew older thinking, "Where are the pictures?"   Maybe that's why I like photography so much - photos are the illustrations for our life stories.  Just as I can't even fathom living without photos of my life experiences, I also can't imagine children not having books!  But it happens everyday.  I'm saddened that so many economically disadvantaged children never even hold a book in their hands before starting school.  Crazy, isn't it?


It's not difficult to understand that those same children, by the time they are in the 5th grade, are 2-3 years behind in their reading skills compared to those students who have books in their homes.


Maybe it's the former English teacher in me, maybe it's the librarian in me, or maybe it's the little girl who loved picture books.  Regardless, I want to help put picture books in the hands of little ones who might otherwise never hold a new book.


TraceyCarolBehind.the.Lens dedicates ten percent of all session fees to this effort.  By scheduling a session with me, you are helping that effort as well.  Together, we are putting picture books in the hands of children.

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